Elsa Bruno Italy

Spritz O’Clock

There comes a time around 5-7PM when a little break is needed from life.

Elsa Bruno Italy

The sun begins to make its journey down, the heat from the day lets up, the stores begin to think about closing, and the only thing I need is a Spritz.

Not exactly a before-dinner drink, instead more of a late-afternoon drink, the Spritz is perfect for the transition from a long day to a leisurely evening. A relatively new invention (for Italy), the Spritz took the whole boot by storm, and is now ubiquitous in piazzas all over Italy in the early evening.

Joe Pinsker Italy

Unlike some USA style happy hours, the idea of a Spritz is not to get you buzzed. Aperol is only 11% alcohol, and is an appetite stimulant. Though your body still tastes alcohol, this cocktail is undeniably light.

The bitter, zesty taste of a Spritz always signals to my taste buds that the work for the day is essentially over. With a glass full of orange liquid, you can nestle into your chair on the piazza, take a deep breath, and appreciate a mental pause in the day.

It’s Spritz o Clock in Italy.



Ci Vediamo!

–Elsa at Via Umbria

Italian-style Happy Hour Read more

There comes a time around 5-7PM when a little break is needed from life. The sun begins to make its journey down, the ...

About The Author

Elsa Bruno is an employee of Via Umbria and a recent Graduate of Scripps College for Women in Los Angeles,. See more post by this author

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