Comings & Goings

Satisfactory September

As our flight taxis away from the gate at Philadelphia International my mind is racing ahead to what lies in store over the next month – three tours of discovery during Umbria’s fall harvest period and a week’s escape with our friends Pete and Nancy to Paris.  But despite the allure of the upcoming month it is impossible not to think on the past month and just shake my head. What a ride it has been. Continue reading Satisfactory September

As our flight taxis away from the gate at Philadelphia International my mind is racing ahead to what lies in store over ...


Three weeks ago today we sat down to finalize the purchase of our new home at 1525 Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown.  Less than three weeks later – on Saturday we opened the doors to Via Umbria for the first time.
Nearly a year ago, when we were sadly closing the doors of Bella Italia on Hampden Lane in Bethesda (and happily moving in to share space with our friend and neighbor Deborah at the Waygoose) we waxed “when one door closes another door opens.”  Last Saturday that other door finally opened.

Continue reading Phew!

Three weeks ago today we sat down to finalize the purchase of our new home at 1525 Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown.  Less ...

Countdown: Italian Book Club


Though these days we never stop moving,  our natural inclination towards la dolce vita wouldn’t let us skip a month of book club! Last night we hosted Italian Book Club in our new event space for the first time. Follow us on Instagram @viaumbria to see the shot of the beautiful sunset out our window. And no book club would be complete without a little aperitivo

If you have suggestions for fabulous Italian-related books, feel free to comment below! We are always open to suggestions. We look forward to seeing you at our next book club on Tuesday, October 21, where we will read Michelangelo: A Life in Six Pieces by Miles J. Unger.

– – – Via Umbria

Though these days we never stop moving,  our natural inclination towards la dolce vita wouldn’t let us skip a month of book ...



After nine months of planning, imagining, dreaming, arguing, drafting, negotiating, ordering, projecting and anything but sleeping, it is in sight. The Via Umbria Holiday Pop Up store is about to open its doors.
Continue reading Countdown

After nine months of planning, imagining, dreaming, arguing, drafting, negotiating, ordering, projecting and anything but sleeping, it is in sight. The Via ...

Bill and Suzy’s and Peter, Paul and Mary’s Excellent Adventure

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I’m leaving, on a jet plane.

If I had a nickel for every time I said that. But today it’s true. We’re bound for bella Italia once again, our last visit nearly five months ago. This one will be shorter. Short but sweet. Continue reading Bill and Suzy’s and Peter, Paul and Mary’s Excellent Adventure

I’m leaving, on a jet plane. If I had a nickel for every time I said that. But today it’s true. We’re bound ...

Italian Memories: Euro Bucks

For the past decade and then some, Suzy and I have dedicated ourselves to bringing the best of Italy to America.  And by best, I mean the stuff that really matters – iconic products that capture the style, lifestyle and life of Italy.  Artistic products that hold within them the soul of that country and the passion of their creators.  Passion that you can feel, you can touch, you can taste, smell and see.  “You know it when you see it,” Justice Potter Stewart once said, referring to something completely different, something just as hard to put your finger on.  A coincidence that he was a potter? Continue reading Italian Memories: Euro Bucks

For the past decade and then some, Suzy and I have dedicated ourselves to bringing the best of Italy to America.  And ...