Fellow Adventurerers. Welcome.
Welcome to our new home. For over a decade we have been blogging, writing about our adventures in Italy even before the word blogging had been invented. (“we’re doing something called ‘blogging’ or ‘yogging’ about our trips”). In those years, our ‘blog’ has had several homes. First on our website – www.bellaitaliaonline.com – where individual posts took up to an hour just to publish, written in word, saved as a txt file, copied into a homemade administrative console that posted pages on our website, invariably to crash the site because of a stray comma or other forbidden character.
Then came blogger (www.billnsuzy.blogspot.com), the Google blog site that made posting that so much easier.
WordPress, however, seems to have won the blogger-wordpress battle, much like VHS beat Beta, so our blogger site still stands, available to those who prefer blogger after watching Saturday Night Fever on their Betamax. But the new action moved to billnsuzy.wordpress.com.
Now, at last, we are at billandsuzy.com, still using wordpress but an even newer flavor that resides on our own server.
Why should you care about all of this? You shouldn’t. But if you come across vestiges of our writings in other places across the internet you’ll know why. Like shards of pottery found in archaeological sites, they are memories of our prehistory. A time when Bill wore animal pelts and Suzy wore a loincloth.
I think I prefer the present.
Ci vediamo!
Bill and Suzy
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