Tag Archives: Bevagna


After a day of gathering, walking, and eating, what’s a slightly jet-lagged crew to do?


Head to Bevagna for the classic ritual of #spritzoclockin the restaurant of our good friend, restaurant owner, and chef Simone


Our group nestled into the evening hour, apperitivo drinks in hand.


And with a little visit from Salvatore, the hour was complete.

Salvatore Denaro _DSC0257 _DSC0268 _DSC0278

Then back to the nearby Fattoria Del Gelso, where our caretaker Marco was busy prepping a simple Umbrian dinner.

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After a perfect, and perfectly tiring day, what you really need is a home-cooked meal and some local wine.


Stay tuned to see where our crew is off to tomorrow!


Ci Vediamo!


Via Umbria





Food and Wine Tour, Day I Part II Read more

After a day of gathering, walking, and eating, what's a slightly jet-lagged crew to do? Head to Bevagna for the classic ritual of ...

Sunday with Simone

Aperitif with Simone Proietti Pesci

As the Menards have said before, Sunday is for Simone. 

This past Sunday I ventured out for lunch with Frances at Simone’s renovated restaurant. Having never seen his old restaurant, I was impressed by the freshness and modernity of his new place. When commenting on how small the kitchen is, he told me this new one is three times larger that his former one! While at first this seemed impossible, I soon remembered that Simone is the only person working in this kitchen.

He preps the dishes, cooks them, makes their presentation, and sometimes washes the dishes. From start to finish, the things you eat are 100% Simone. And so when you are eating a dish from Simone, you are also eating something he is proud of.

And so lunch commenced. We left the menu up to Simone, and were pleased, as usual. A perfect DiFilippo rose was consumed by all. Upon leaving, he asked if I would come back to help for dinner, which I accepted with enthusiasm.

Pasta with Simone IMG_2569

He made some fresh pasta for the night, and then a massive thunderstorm set in. A bit nervous that perhaps there would be no crowd for the night, (and it being the aperitivo hour), we had a spritz. But alas, people showed up, and Simone cooked away, preparing dish after dish himself for his happy customers. He even convinced me to eat a snail ( I have been a vegetarian since birth)…and I will admit it was good.  It all was a delight to witness.

Simone Pasta

And what would a Simone post be without a recipe? Yet again, we will bring you a zucchini recipe, appearing on the blog tomorrow!


Ci Vediamo!


Most people sleep on Sundays, but Simone is not like other people Read more

As the Menards have said before, Sunday is for Simone.  This past Sunday I ventured out for lunch with Frances at Simone’s renovated ...

Scarfing Down Life in Bevagna

Day 14 013I can’t exactly remember when we first met Claudio Cutuli. But I’m glad we did. Continue reading Scarfing Down Life in Bevagna

Surrounding Ourselves with Italian Culture Read more

I can’t exactly remember when we first met Claudio Cutuli. But I’m glad we did. Bevagna, the small Roman-medieval village that is a ...