Brunch wasn’t until the afternoon, but the laboratorio kitchen got busy around ten o’ clock on Easter morning. Marco, Chiara, Bill, Suzy and Federico had their work cut out for them: in three hours, nearly 20 people would arrive to celebrate Easter, Italian-style. All hands were on deck, working together to create four glorious courses. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at all the hard work and creativity that made this meal possible!
Bill skinned potatoes with a smile this morning.When they put on their aprons, Suzy and Chiara mean business.Chiara starting the Ciramicola, a colorful holiday cake.Marco mixing dough for cherry cubotti.Federico making tagliatelle from scratch.
The real fun began once all the guests arrived. Bellinis (and mimosas) flowed steadily, and families gathered around our communal table with friends new and old to celebrate.
One of our younger guests made quite a splash with her stylish bunny ears!Bill is a generous pour when it comes to Bellinis (and mimosas!).Marco and Chiara’s daughter enjoying Easter salami.
We hope you’ll join us for our next holiday celebration! On April 23rd, we’ll host a Seder dinner to celebrate Passover. As always, guests of all faiths are welcome.
Buona Pasqua, and many thanks to all who shared their Easter with us today!
Brunch wasn't until the afternoon, but the laboratorio kitchen got busy around ten o' clock on Easter morning. Marco, Chiara, Bill, Suzy and Federico ...
Thank you to everyone who came out for our inaugural cooking demonstration on Wednesday! Dorrie Gleasonled us through three different types of frittatas, an egg sandwich and panettone with sour and sweet fruit sauce.
We had a wonderful (and tasty) time!
Our next cooking class will be this upcoming Wednesday, November 25th, from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, where we will be making Thanksgiving cakes and pies. See more on our Facebook, and come join us!
Thank you to everyone who came out for our inaugural cooking demonstration on Wednesday! Dorrie Gleason led us through three different types of frittatas, ...
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