Tag Archives: truffle dog

Truffle Hunting Part 1

One of the delights of doing a Food and Wine tour in the fall is truffle season. We get the amazing opportunity to see where and how this elusive fungus is obtained! Truffle Hunting

The hunt is on as our truffle hound, Camilla, sniffs out the first treat of the day. _DSC0058 _DSC0068

Truffles cannot be cultivated by humans, and so these specially trained dogs seek them out, using their noses to find the hidden treasure slightly below a layer of dirt. _DSC0079 _DSC0094 _DSC0096

The smell of the truffles is enchanting!

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A successful hunt! And now, back to the kitchen to cook up the goodies…


Stat tuned for part II: in the kitchen!


Ci Vediamo!

–Via Umbria





In the Forest Read more

One of the delights of doing a Food and Wine tour in the fall is truffle season. We get the amazing opportunity ...