Tag Archives: summer greens

15 minute recipe: Tomato and Zucchini Salad


summer salad

The long August days of summer have arrived. In a continuation of our zucchini posts this summer (also found here, here, and here), we create a fresh salad perfect for lunch or a side.



One zucchini

One large tomato

Pistachios, to taste

1/2 cup feta cheese

Pistachio Pesto 

Sea Salt 

Olive oil 


Gather your ingredients at Emporio and then lets get chopping!

tomato summer salad Chop your zucchini…IMG_1429 And your tomato…IMG_1438 Barrage the pistachios IMG_1458



pistachio pesto

Assemble in your bowl, and sprinkle on some Sale di Cervia

summer salad umbria Add the pesto…IMG_1480

And the olive oil…

Italian ceramics, appetizers

And the cheese!

add the feta


This salad is perfect to serve as a side on a hot summer night, and then tuck into the refrigerator for lunch the next day.


Ci Vediamo!


Via Umbria





  The long August days of summer have arrived. In a continuation of our zucchini posts this summer (also found here, here, and here), ...